Sale of farms in Brazil
Category : farms
sconcer Imobiliária
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Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this beautiful farm with an area of 8.5 (eight and a half acres), with lots of water, clay, all low and pasted in braquiaria.

Sconcer Imobiliária, sells this beautiful farm with lots of water, clay, climate of first, all low and pasture.
3 matriculas. Total 406.56 ha,
2 power points,
Two corrals,
5km from the asphalt,
60 km of Almenara,
22km from Jordan,
Corrego do janjão,
Piped water,
17 ponds,
21 Alqueires to 140,000.00. The Bushel. Our bushel is 19.36 ha. Alqueirao

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this beautiful farm with lots of water, clay, climate of first, all low and pasture.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this Farm near Almenara MG, with headquarters, corral, shipper, with corgo, springs, lots of clay, with an area of 10.00 Alqueires. Value: R $ 700,000.00

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this beautiful farm with home headquarters, corral, water in ambundancia, climate first, great weather, area of 20 Alqueires. Value: R $ 1,900,000.00

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this Farm in the municipality of Maiquinique BA, with an area of 25.00 Alqueires, all pasture, all flat, prime climate, excellent Farm for breeding cattle. Value: R $ 200,000.00. The Bushel

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this Fazendinha near Almenara MG, with a lot of braquiaria pasture, lots of water, low land, lots of clay, with headquarters. Value: R $ 130,000.00

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this farm near Maiquinique BA, with area of 21 Alqueires. With lots of water, brachiaria pasture, climate of first, with headquarters, corral. Value: R $ 85,000.00. The Bushel

A Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this beautiful site, near Almenara MG, with an area of 2.00 Alqueires, nice house, all plastered, few, go. Value: R $ 500,000.00

Sconcer Imobiliária sells this farm, the property is a farm with extraordinary productive capacity due to a totally flat topography, water condition allowing irrigation systems for several central pivots, sprinkling irrigation mesh, drip irrigation, excellent soil condition, logistics and with high investment in all functional structure.
In the property we have a good office, shed for food factory and storage of various products, workshop sheds, vehicles and implements, pastures, has 18 houses for settlers and in excellent condition, 1,400 meters asphalt landing, confinement for livestock and with any structure for food production, either for confinement of livestock, that is, for diversified agriculture with highly productive capacity.
It is a farm in full productivity in the activities of cattle raising, fattening and raising of ox, breeding of race horses with genetic testing, breeding of goats, production of papaya in high scale, production of black pepper, corn production and production of hay. Considering its natural physical conditions, the high investment inserted in the context of the farm, this is really a differentiated and highly valued property.
It is important to verify that this property is within the scope of SUDENE and thus with great tax benefits and incentives for incentive investments.
Altitude between 492 and 530 meters with a predominance of 500 meters.
The property has a registered area of 2,032.32 ha, and is properly georeferenced.
Predominantly flat topography with some gentle slopes.
Totally asphalt, by BR 365.
The property is located next to BR 365, Km 111, in the municipality of Jequitai / MG, 370 km from Belo Horizonte, about 20 km from Jequitai, between Pirapora at 50 km and Montes Claros at 120 km.
The property has good water potential with 08 km of margin of the Jequitai River, 08 natural lakes, river containment dams to supply the pivots, there are still 08 artesian wells being, 01 with a flow of 129,000 liters / hour and that immense stream form, 01 well with a flow of 99,000 liters / hour, 01 with 80,000 liters / hour, another with 40,000 liters and others with less flow.
The property has 18 colonist houses, with 63sqm, with balcony, in good condition,
It has good office with 90 m² and balcony, shed for feed factory and fertilizer deposit with 650 m², deposit of defensive and washer, 30 m², workshop shed with 180 m², shed support of 50 m², shed to pepper area with 50 m², 03 great and well structured corrals, 100 m², machinery and implements shed with 224 m², 02 pump houses of 05 m², shed for hand management, another electrical panel house, several sectors for confinement system with troughs and special fences, numerous spectacularly well fenced pastures and excellent condition, 1,400 meters paved landing strip, well fenced, electronic gate at the entrance of the farm with guard and TV circuit, 08 pivots with spectacular supply and distribution system water system, sprinkler system irrigation system, dripping pepper supply system, tanks for reservoirs for artesian potions, mesh of internal roads with good m all of them protected by fences, well-formed pastures with high technology and with diversification of pastures, tifiton, Mombasa, Tanzania, various brachiaria, radio and telephony system, high capacity scale, and several other improvements that required high investment and which allows extraordinary functionality.
Predominantly good quality land with parts of culture with excellent clay content, sandy parts, but superficial.
It has a good index of utilization with areas necessary for reservation duly constituted besides areas for APP.
OTHER FACTORS: It is really an extraordinary farm with great productive capacity and for different types of culture. The farm is in full activity and with income in fattened cattle in a system of irrigated mesh and confinement, calf rearing, large-scale production of irrigated papaya in central pivot, production of irrigated micro pepper in micro sprinkler, corn production and silage, hay production, horse and goat breeding. Great logistics and accurate documentation. The owner can accept part of real estate in Belo Horizonte.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this beautiful farm, with an area of 10 Alqueires, many springs and waterfalls, climate of the first, with headquarters, corral, cattle stevedore, all fenced in braquiaria. Value: R $ 80,000.00. The Bushel

Sconcer Imobiliaria sells this farm at 22.00 Km from Almenara MG, via Mata Verde, 60% tratoravel, brachiaria pasture, with area of 16.50 (sixteen and a half acres), all mangoes with drinking fountains, at the entrance of the Farm passes the Pan, 2 houses, covered barn, with trunk, balance, milk cooler, complete structure for milking, earth of exceptional climate, beautiful Farm.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this Farm 12 Km from Almenara MG, via Jacinto MG, with 24 Alqueires area, all tractable, plenty of braquiaria, plenty of water, drinkers in the sleeves, containing a headquarters house with covered corral with several reparticos, coconut chacara, oranges, cacao and etc. and polsilca. First climate, black and red earth

Sconcer Imobiliária, sells this beautiful farm 54 km from Almenara, farm all pasture in the brachiaria, all tractable, plenty of water in all the sleeves, climate first, with headquarters, corral, drinking fountains. Value: R $ 100,000.00. The Bushel. There are 8 Alqueires.

Sconcer Imobiliaria sells this farm of 9.00 Alqueires, via Sao Jose do Prata (Sacode), all surrounded by crystal clear water, the Water Dam that goes to SACODE, is born inside this farm, 34 km from Almenara MG, with 01 (one) house with 03 rooms, 01 room, 01 kitchen, 01 bathroom, 01 pantry, 01 house of harnesses and 01 (one) balcony, and another house of cowboy, all with piped water and electric energy, containing 01 corral with trunk, pasture of braquiaria, much wood, climate of first, rains a lot.
Value: R $ 570,000.00

593 hectares, 70% pasture, very good climate, good water, 8 springs, 2 streams, lots of wood for use of the farm, a plain 250 hectares higher.
18 km from the asphalt, of Joaima. Good access despite a hill to climb where any vehicle goes up,
2 houses more or less for employees. Detail, although it is in the municipality of Joaima, the rains are different because it belongs to the region of the guru, 1200 mm of annual rainfall. A large cattle ranch and another large eucalyptus farm are extremely.
5 km of wet brejo santo along the farm.
Titled, ready geo-referencing. More wood to work on the farm.
Mango streams and another stream. 8 divisions of pastures.
Road through Fazenda, however it finds in state of conservation more or less.

Sconcer Imobiliária, sells this beautiful Farm at the point of receiving many Bois, all flat, plastered in braquiaria, lots of water, all divided, first world climate, lots of clay, beautiful home headquarters, with pool, play area, , there is no Farm in Minas that has a Panorama equal to this. With 330 Alqueires Georreferenciada, registered and titled. Amount: R $ 18,000,000.00.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this Fazenda Sao Joao, runs a Corrego in the middle of the farm, with 05 mangas divided, 05 strong springs never dried, water in abundance, 100% pasture, low land, with headquarters, corral of plank with trunk and balanca, covered, with electric power, piped water, with area of 157 ha in legitimate lands.
Phone: 33 3721 2703, Cell: (33) 9 8800 667, (33) 9 9907 3655
Broker: Aurielio Viana CRECI MG: 11.785 – Sconcer Real Estate sells this beautiful Farm. Value: R $ 550,000.00. We deliver for R $ 350,000.00 – Almenara MG

A paradise situated in Rubim 5km from Almenara, 1.3 hectares, water in abundance, water by gravity, house lined, orchard with more than 100 plants, 02 swimming pools, one of 10,000L, one of 50,000L, soccer field, 02 tanks to create fish, octagonal hut, barbecue area, 1 double bedroom, 1 single bedroom, american kitchen.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this area of 35 ha of Eucalyptus with approximately 07 years, trees fulfilled and diameter very thick, this area we only sell the trees of Eucalyptus to combine by tree. At 60.00 km from Almenara MG and 20.00 Km from Pedra Azul MG.

Sconcer Real Estate, sells this area of 35 ha of Eucalyptus with approximately 07 years, trees fulfilled and diameter very thick, this area we only sell the trees of Eucalyptus to combine by tree. At 60.00 km from Almenara MG and 20.00 Km from Pedra Azul MG.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this beautiful farm, 70 km from Almenara via Pedra Azul, with an area of 65 Alqueires, with 5 mangoes divided by barbed wire and flat wire, solar energy, little arteziano with a weathervane that pumps water for the box of 50,000 liters where it distributes to the 04 drinkers contained in the mangoes, with 02 dams, 10 alqueires all pasted, pasture of braquiaria, braquiarao and decume, 80% tractablevel, warm climate conducive to the Farm, much clay in all the sleeves , with 01 rustic house, corral with trunk and 01 brette, embarkator, piped water from the little to the home headquarters, with 40 Ha of Eucalyptus in cut-off point. Value: R$3.200.000,00. Broker Aurielio Viana. CRECI MG 11,785. Fone (33) 3721 2703. Cel (33) 9 8800 6675 (33) 9 9907 3655.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this beautiful farm 40 km from Joaima MG, with an area of almost 10.00 Alqueires, containing 06 dams, the Agua Branca River passes in front of Headquarters, 08 mangas divided by 5 wire plain wire, has only 02 dirty sleeves, practically 7 bushels of mangas pasted in the brachiaria, braquiarao and manbacu, totally tratoravel, hot weather it rains 08 months of the year, good seat with electric power and water piped by gravity, board corral and moroes of hardwood and cement , trunk and cattle stevedore, drinkers in the corral, a riquissima Farm in water, climate and grass. Amount R $ 1,700,000.00. Broker Aurielio Viana CRECI MG 11.785. Fone (33) 3 721-2703 Cel (33) 9 8800 6675 – (33) 9 9907 3655. Almenara MG

Sconcer İmobiliaria sells this monumental farm about 17 km from Almenara MG, via Jordania MG, via Asphalt, with a signal from the mobile operators by the hi and live operators, with an area of 93 Alqueires, the first climate, in several sleeves with clay , flooded in the back by the Jequitinhonha River, 70% in the brachiaria, 70% tractable, most of the fences of this Farm and Pir Wire Smooth with 05 threads, containing 01 arteziano well with ebb to 10,000 thousand liters every 30 minutes, with a house headquarters, 06 more rustic houses, 03 tractor rooms, with a beautiful corral with, 07 divisions and all plastered, being a covered corral, with scale and embarkator, trunk and two repartiçoes for storage of salt, all in ipe, being 18 divided sleeves, 09 asphalt sleeves inside has 6 mangoes for cattle drinking water in the Jequutinhinha River, 03 water troughs with arteziano well water and 09 mangas the cattle drink water in the tangues, each tango with an average of 200,000 liters of water has possessed i a sleeve by name Taguarussu that has 01 a spring type mineral water which nothing enters this water and in one of the mangoes has 01 a corral for handling the cattle. Value: R $ 170,000.00. The Bushel. Broker: Aurielio Viana. CRECİ MG 11.785. Phone: 33 3721 2703. Cell: (33) 9 8800 6675. (33) 9 9907 3655
Almenara MG. Sconcer İmobiliaria, Here the purchase of your Farm happens.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this Farm with an area of 15.00 Alqueires, which corresponds to 291.00 Ha, in Legitimos lands, with 07 divisions of mangoes, 03 springs, 05 dams, cut by the Straight of Paiol, has 01 rustic house with electric power, corral with trunk and shipper, very green grass, with braquiaria, colonhao and others, all documented. Value: R $ 1,300,000.00. Broker: Aurielio Viana CRECI MG 11.785. Phone. (33) 3721 2703. Cell: (33) 9 8800 6675 – (33) 9 9907 3655. Almenara MG. Sconcer Imobiliária, your purchase channel for your Farm and your home.

Sconcer Imobiliária sells this area to Sitio with an area of 5,000 m2, passing the Corumbau River, an exotic place with beautiful beaches, a place that Brazil has now discovered, a green and charming place.

Sconcer Imobiliária, sells this monumental dairy farm and reference soy in mines. Total area of 856 Hectares. Girolando cows produce 40,000 liters of milk per day. Current Squad of 1600 heads. 5 collaborating houses of 120 m2, 2 houses with swimming pools. Irrigation of grazing and grains. Administrative facilities with pharmacy.Almoxarifado, room, training, garage, women’s and men’s locker room for employees and cafeteria. Room of milk cooling tank with capacity for 42,000 liters and can be enlarged to 60,000 liters. Mechanical workshop of 360 m2. Feedstuff factory with 10 ton / hour 4 soy extruders with capacity of 10 ton / day and production of 1600 liters of oil / day. Closed gates!

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells Fazenda Malboro, 13 km from Almenara MG, via Jordan MG, with an area of 8.5 (eight and a half acres), 100% tratoravel, 80% pasture, brachiaria grass, all divided mangoes, all the fences made by flat wire of 05 (five) threads, passing the Jequitinhonha River at the back of the Farm, with one (01) beautiful seat, covered corral, sheep house. Value: R $ 20,000.00 or Hectare.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this magnificent farm at 198 km from Belo Horizonte MG, including 04 km from the asphalt. Wonderful farm with spectacular bicentennial farmhouse, with all structure and ready to farm or simply a magnificent Headquarters, with 18 suites, decorated and well mounted with tv and frigobar, beautiful landscaping, next to great and wonderful lagoon, great functional structure with a new and modern house, excellent topography with beautiful valleys and beautiful lowlands, fully formed and well-kept pastures, great use, excellent access and location, is end of line, excellent quality of land and very rich in water resources containing about 35 springs, totally own and without risk of pollution, wonderful lake of 02 ha next to the Headquarters, several perennial streams and own springs, 6 wonderful waterfalls, all with extreme quality and extremely well taken care of. To define well the beauty of this farm we would have to be a poet. It is a farm for people of extreme good taste. Sale Exclusively in Sconcer Imobiliaria, in Almenara MG. Located in Barbacena MG. Value: R $ 4,500,000.00.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this beautiful farm, 35 km from Juiz de Fora MG, with an area of 192.00 Hectares, with wonderful construction and ready with all the necessary structure for mega hotel farm of very high standard.
Region of Juiz de Fora / MG Region of Juiz de Fora / MG
45 Million Farm / Ranch This is a beautiful farm with wonderful construction and ready with all the necessary structure for mega hotel farm of the highest standard.
RELEVANT DATA 1 – The work is completely finished in its structural aspect, from the hydraulic and electrical part. The central building has an automated system of air conditioning in all rooms, with 2 (two) working elevators, with complete industrial kitchen. All suites have closet, bathroom and bedroom. The finish of all the bathrooms is done in marble, the ones of the central suite have super differentiated finish. It also has, in a complex belonging to the Castle, dry and steam saunas, hydro-massage pool, Scottish shower and also has the largest residential and perhaps commercial pool in South America, equipped with waterfall and with automated equipment for cleaning. The main building is not furnished and was never inhabited since it was finished in 1990, so, as our goal at the time was to partner with some hotel group, the interior finishing such as wall painting, are still under construction. to be made, since at the eminence of its commercialization to the hotel chain, company, or even to the entrepreneurial individual who owned the property, it would certainly give the finishing that suited him best. 2 – Regarding the photos of the interior, we attach the video, which demonstrates as described above the current condition of the property. 3 -The relief to the surroundings of the 192 hectares that make up the Property, is predominantly mountainous, with large area planted with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) peaks, and native forest, considering also that all the water of the development is of own property, with reservoir with capacity to supply an enterprise 6 (six) times greater than the one constructed, that is, the total cost with water is ZERO. Within the 192 hectares that comprise the Castle there are 3 (three) lakes that offer water sports and small boats, besides also own chapel in modern style and not finished as well. The entire area of the Castle is paved. 4 – The Property, is 180 km from the city of Rio de Janeiro, 280 km from the State Capital, Belo Horizonte, 40 km from Juiz de Fora, a city with more than 600,000 inhabitants and with all infrastructure, available. And at 14 km from the Zona da Mata International Airport, in full operation, with regular commercial flights, operating throughout the national territory. 5 – We emphasize that the total area of the Property, denominated in its deed as a dismembered area, has 192 hectares, 77 ares and 55 centiares. 6 – We also point out that the whole enterprise has 7911.17 (SEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN SQUARE METERS OF CONSTRUCTED AREA). 7 – The price of THE PROPERTY, ONLY will be provided in personal contact and formalized through a specific contract, with the person who presents with a specific power of attorney for this purpose, where they will be indicated the interested parties.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this beautiful farm 8.00 km from Felisburgo and 98.00 km from Almenara MG, with an area of 53.00 Alqueires (Alqueiroes), with 01 house and 01 house for colonist, with several waterfalls, 02 Rivers Perene, being the Rivers: Rubens and Agua Fria, with 02 corrals, being 01 of the corrals with milking, an Irrigated Piquet, one River cuts the whole Farm, and the other River cuts the bottom, the Asphalt between Rio do Prado MG to Felisburgo MG, cuts the middle of the Farm, 90% tractablevel, 10% pasted in Braquiaria and the rest by native pasture, Farm legalized with the GEO ready. Value: R $ 3,000,000.00

Sconcer Imobiliária, sells this farm, called Cachoeiras, is located in Caldas MG (South of Minas), near Poços de Caldas MG, 265,00 Km from Sao Paulo and 176,00 from Campinas. Its natural beauty and magnifica.Nos 121 hectares of area, we find the headquarters of 650.00 m2, which is built on top of a granite deposit of a Hectare, surrounded by water, establishing an island on the bank of the River Capivari Mineiro. At 30.00 meters away from the headquarters house has a lush waterfall of 50.00 meters wide and a lake of 7,000 m2, surrounded by a beautiful native forest. Next to the balcony of the house you will find a tank in natural stone with fish, giving a rare beauty view. Description: Fazenda Cachoeiras has an area of 121,00 Ha, with a house of 650,00 m2, with 08 bedrooms and 03 suites, all avarandada and furnished, facing the waterfall and lake with a view of the lake, 01 natural tank in stone for fish of 105.00 m2, 01 house of administrator of 110.00 m2, 03 houses of caretakers, 02 corrals (01 corral of 100.00 m2 and the other of 360.00 m2) with 01 shed maintenance of 350.00 m2, 03 sheds of 80.00 m2 each, 01 shed of 800.00 m2 of built area, 03 silos, 01 semi-artesian well of 4,500 liters / hour, various agricultural equipment. Value: R $ 10,000,000.00
Sconcer Imobiliária has an Option to Sell, with exclusivity to intermediate

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this inexpensive Farm 26 km from Almenara MG, low land, with springs, waterfalls, lots of clay, 70% tratoravel, the pasture of braquiaria being inside the dense bush of the Farm.
With area of 29 Alqueires.

Sconcer Imobiliaria, sells this Fazenda Empresa, called Fazenda: Jaqueira, located at 42.00 Km from Almenara MG, Almenara / Pedra Azul road, with an area of 102.00 Ha in legitimate lands. IPR: 017/0811, Attitude: 930 , 00 MTS. Forest Reserve: 20 Registered in Cartorio. Water source: Registered in IGAM / MG. Location: Pedra Grande District and municipality of Almenara MG. UTM: East: 0.305246, North: 082.76377.Acess: Almenara / Pedra Grande Road 15.00 Km, follow right on Almenara road _ Divisopolis, plus 25.00 Km to the region Pratinha_ Region served by daily bus line , with population of more than 2,000 inhabitants and greater. Producer of natural food products and with the best lands for coffee cultivation in the municipality, with PH between 6.0 and 7.0. Lands researched and own for the cultivation of Arabica, Seringueira, Urucum, Citrus in general, etc. Lands for Cafe, are compared the lands of Vila do Cafe_ BA and Mata Verde_MG. JAQUEIRA FARM: All closed with barbed wire fences of four wires, two divisions. A rotational grazing picket, brisanta brachiaria, divided into seven modules of 01 (im) HA each, with drinking fountain and trough. A corral of treated and treated woods, with house, trunk and divisions with troughs. Three houses of five comfortable each, for settlers. A house with headquarters or + 300 m2, divided for two families. Municipal School Building in Farm _ Running School.
Three rustic galoshes for tractor, wagons, fertilizers and accommodation of comrades. A comodo for small butcher and small grocery store. Two bins for grains: Bulk and Sacaria. GALPOES, for: A machine of drying of coffee with motor. A machine to benefit from coffee, with a motor. A coffee depolling machine with a motor. Big Tangue for washing coffee. A tractor Valmet Cafeeiro 62ID Year 1972. A truck to transport by tractor. A PJ_400 Jet sprayer for tractor. 06 Coastal sprayers Jet of 20 liters each. A water collection with stationary motor and pump. An antenna for capturing cellular telephony. A light generator of 1,5CV_ coupled to the stationary motor, with distribution of network in the patio, headquarters and house of machines. Two concrete terreiros, with flaps, with 1,200 m2 of area. A 300.00 m2 fiber greenhouse for drying despoiled and coconut coffees. A stationary motor for emergency replacement. Two WEG electric motors. A Moto Serra Sthil 025, seminovo. Two chain saws and Sthil coffee breaker. 3,000 m2 more than terraces of beaten chao. Three Camig trolleys to distribute coffee in the yard. A Filizola scale for 250 Kg. 22.00 HA with a 70,000-pound crop of Arabica Catui coffee and facilities. Cafezal, divided into 04 modules: – Module 1 with 30,000 pesetas of coffee in 11 hectares. _ Module 2 with 13,500 staff of coffee in 3 ha. Module 3 with 16,000 feet of coffee in 5.5 ha. Module 4 with 10,500 feet in 2.5 ha. _ CAFEZAL in full production – with origin of plant and treatment. All oriented by agronomist. Producing Type 5 cafes and Hard Drinks every year. _ Module 1: 11.00 HA with coffee plantation with 4 × 1 spacing for planting 8 × 8 Rubber trees intercalating to the coffee. Various items of tools and other utilities. Farm with three employees, one manager and two assistants. All registered, with salaries of one to two salarios_minimos. Region with abundant management of harvesting and maintenance of coffee plantations. Electrified farm, with good access road and cellular telephone signal and television. Rich farm in waters and well oriented and. Value: R $ 1.100,000.00. Acceptable Payment Method: 50% sign and more 03 equal payments _ Year.